
My Handmade Cards


Sunday, 24 May 2009

We have wheels!

I got my Birthday present early this year ~ on Friday Rob bought me a car! We've managed for nearly 6 months without one ~ which isn't bad if you know me ~ but it's been getting tough recently, especially since the winter has started early and I've been pining for my little Peugeot.

Cars are really expensive here so we couldn't afford a newer model, so our first Kiwi car is a Ford Laser. It's an estate and we can fit a bed in the back, so we can just drive off for the weekend and explore this gorgeous country ~ cool! I think we'll wait until winter's over before we try sleeping in the car ~ though it can't be that much colder than our house ~ it's an old villa with no heating and it's currently like living in a paper bag! It's tough being a Kiwi but I wouldn't change it for the world ~ I love it!

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